PLN23-0390 - Development Plan and Use Permit for Building 607, Alameda Point, 677 West Ranger Avenue. Applicant: Alameda Food Bank and City of Alameda. Public hearing to consider approval of the Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for the development of a Community Food Market on 1.7 acres of land located at 677 West Ranger Avenue. The streamlining provision of Public Resources Section 21083.3 and Section 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines apply and no further environmental review is required.
To: Honorable President
and Members of the Planning Board
From: Steven Buckley,
Planning Services Manager
The Alameda Food Bank and the City of Alameda are proposing the development of a Community Food Market for Food Bank clients on 1.7 acres of land facing West Ranger Avenue, Pan Am Way and West Midway Avenue at Alameda Point across the street from their current location on West Ranger Avenue. The proposal includes sale of the 1.7 acres of City owned land containing Building 607 and an adjacent parking lot to the Alameda Food Bank and development of a permanent 18,000 square foot facility and site improvements for the distribution of food to Alameda's most vulnerable households by the Alameda Food Bank. The project will involve the rehabilitation and expansion of Building 607 and the construction of an addition which will house food storage and related operations.
The Food Bank is currently providing their services from approximately 18,000 square feet of leased space in Building 92, which is located immediately across West Ranger Avenue from the subject site. The Food Bank is a subtenant to the Alameda Point Collaborative, which leases Building 92 from the City of Alameda.
The proposal will require a variety of City permits and agreements including, but not limited to:
* Approval of a Purchase and Sale Agreement by the Alameda City Council.
* Approval of a Development Plan, Use Permit, and Design Review for the site ...
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