Review and Discuss Design Concept Alternatives for the Fernside Traffic Calming & Bikeways Project (Discussion)
To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Transportation Commission
The Fernside Boulevard Traffic Safety & Bikeways Project aims to create a design concept to update this corridor with the goal of reducing auto speeds and increasing safety and mobility for all road users. It also plans to develop design concepts to implement the low-stress bikeways called for in the Active Transportation Plan. The project is developing a near-term quick-build concept for Fernside from Tilden Way to High St that can be implemented with pavement resurfacing, as well as a long-term concept for the full project area from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave.
Staff recommend that the Transportation Commission review and discuss the design concept alternatives. Based on community feedback and analysis of the concepts being collected now, staff and the consultant team will recommend a final draft design concept in fall/winter 2024.
Project Goals & Parameters
The Fernside Boulevard Traffic Safety & Bikeways Project (Fernside Project) will create a design concept to update this corridor with the goal of reducing auto speeds and increasing safety and mobility for all road users.
The project area is Fernside Boulevard from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave. It connects to the following infrastructure projects: 1) at the northwest project terminus, it connects to the Clement Ave/Tilden Way project, which is a separate project anticipated to start construction later this year (see https://www.alamedaca.gov/clementtilden); and 2) at the southeast end, it connects to the existing two-way cycle track and medians in front of Lincoln Middle School.
The Fernside Project aims to create two design concepts: 1) a near-term quick-build design concept for Fernside from Tilden Way to High St that can be implemented with pavement resurfacing; and 2) a long-te...
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