Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/6/2024 7:00 PM  
Meeting location: City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Alameda CA 94501
The agenda was amended on October 29, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. to indicate Item #10-A was withdrawn
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-4483 12-AConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Approve Jennifer Ott, City Manager, Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director, Alesia Strauch, Base Reuse Manager, and Len Aslanian, Assistant City Attorney, as Real Property Negotiators for Building 360, Located at 1900 Skyhawk Street, Building 397, Located at 1690 Orion Street, Building 616, Located at 1750 Orion Street, and Pier 3, Located at 707 West Hornet Avenue, at Alameda Point in Alameda, California. (Astra Space, Inc). (Base Reuse 29061822)  Not available Not available
2024-4497 12-BConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Approve City Manager Jennifer Ott, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Economic Development Division Manager Dwayne Dalman, Assistant City Attorney Len Aslanian, as Real Property Negotiators for a Portion of Building 22, Located at 2501 Monarch Street at Alameda Point (Faction Brewing Company, LLC). (Base Reuse and Economic Development 29061822)  Not available Not available
2024-4484 14-AClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) PROPERTY: 1900 Skyhawk Street (Building 360); 1690 Orion Street (Building 397); 1750 Orion Street (Building 616); and 707 West Hornet Avenue (Pier 3), at Alameda Point in Alameda California CITY NEGOTIATORS: City Manager Jennifer Ott, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Base Reuse Manager Alesia Strauch, Assistant City Attorney Len Aslanian NEGOTIATING PARTIES: City of Alameda and Astra Space, Inc. UNDER NEGOTIATION: Price and terms  Not available Not available
2024-4506 14-BClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - POTENTIAL LITIGATION Potential Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 554956.9, Subsection (d)(4) Number of Cases: One (As Plaintiff - City Initiating Legal Action) Potential Defendant: Astra Space, Inc.  Not available Not available
2024-4498 14-CClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) PROPERTY: Bay 200, a portion of Building 22, located at 2501 Monarch Street at Alameda Point, Alameda CA 94501 CITY NEGOTIATORS: City Manager Jennifer Ott, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Economic Development Division Manager Dwayne Dalman, Assistant City Attorney Len Aslanian NEGOTIATING PARTIES: City of Alameda and Faction Brewing Company, LLC UNDER NEGOTIATION: Price and terms of lease   Not available Not available
2024-4502 14-DClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Significant exposure to pending litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9 Cases: California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) Administrative Enforcement Action Against the City of Alameda/Alameda Municipal Power (as defendant) CARB Case Numbers: SF6-2023-005, SF6-2024-004  Not available Not available
2024-4580 1 Closed Session ItemNovember 6, 2024 Closed Session Announcement  Not available Not available
2024-4443 13-AProclamation/Special OrderProclamation Declaring November 2024 as Native American Heritage Month.  Not available Not available
2024-4470 15-AConsent Calendar ItemMinutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings Held on October 1, 2024. (City Clerk)  Not available Not available
2024-4503 15-BConsent Calendar ItemBills for Ratification. (Finance)  Not available Not available
2024-4462 25-CConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Agreement with Courtney Waterproofing, Roofing, and Concrete Restoration for the Alameda Point Building 24 Roof Replacement Project to Add a Ten Percent Contingency of $254,947 for a Total Amount Not-to-Exceed $2,804,416. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities), 15302 (Replacement or Reconstruction) and 15061(b)(3) (Common Sense). (Base Reuse and Economic Development C75400)  Not available Not available
2024-4455 15-DConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Authorize Updates to the Existing Alameda Police Department Policy Manual to Conform to Best Practices and to Ratify Policies that Have Been Updated Pursuant to Legal Updates, Significant Liability Issues, and Imminent Safety. (Police 10031100)  Not available Not available
2024-4454 15-EConsent Calendar ItemAdoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Grant Agreement Between the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways and the City of Alameda by and through the Alameda Police Department; and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Police Grants Fund (Fund 221) Increasing Appropriations by $100,000 for the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange Grant. This action is categorically exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guideines sections 15061(b)(3) (common sense exemption) and 15321 (law enforcement activities). (Police 22131101)  Not available Not available
2024-4460 15-FConsent Calendar ItemAdoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Grant Agreement Between the United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the City of Alameda by and through the Alameda Police Department to Accept $224,497 in Grant Funds to Achieve Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) Accreditation; and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Police Grants Fund (Fund 221) Estimated Revenue and Expenditures Budget in the Amount of $224,497 for the Supporting Law Enforcement Agencies in Seeking Accreditation Grant. (Police 10031100)  Not available Not available
2024-4463 15-GConsent Calendar ItemAdoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Public Housing Cooperation Agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, for a Term of 36 Months and up to 24 Months of Extensions for a Total Potential Term of 60 Months, for Independence Plaza Operations at No Cost to the City of Alameda, and to Administratively Extend the Term of the Agreement as Needed; and to Allow the Housing Authority to Secure Replacement Funding for Operations. (Housing and Human Services 10021833)  Not available Not available
2024-4499 17-ARegular Agenda ItemRecommendation to Accept an Update on the Port of Oakland's Final Environmental Impact Report for the Terminal Modification and Development Project at the Oakland Airport. (City Manager 10021833)  Not available Not available
2024-4487 110-ACouncil ReferralWITHDRAWN - Consider Directing Staff to Establish a City Council Committee with the Port of Oakland Commissioners. (Councilmember Jensen) [Will not be heard on November 6, 2024]  Not available Not available
2024-4488 110-BCouncil ReferralConsider Directing Staff to Implement Automated Cameras at Intersections Where a Right Turn On Red Light is Prohibited, as Authorized by California Vehicle Code 21453. (Councilmember Jensen)  Not available Not available
2024-4500 110-CCouncil ReferralConsider Adoption of Resolution to Admonish City Councilmember Trish Herrera Spencer for Behavior which Violates City Council Code of Conduct Section 3(b). (Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft and Councilmember Vella)  Not available Not available