Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/2/2024 7:00 PM  
Meeting location: City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Alameda CA 94501
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-3680 13-AConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Approve Jennifer Ott, City Manager, Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director, John McManus, Managing Director, Cushman & Wakefield, and Len Aslanian, Assistant City Attorney, as Real Property Negotiators for Building 11 at 1190 West Tower Avenue (Wisk Aero). (Base Reuse and Economic Development 29061822)  Not available Not available
2024-3684 14-AClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) PROPERTY: 1190 West Tower Avenue (Building 11) Alameda Point, Alameda, CA CITY NEGOTIATORS: City Manager Jennifer Ott, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Cushman & Wakefield Managing Director John McManus, and Assistant City Attorney Len Aslanian NEGOTIATING PARTIES: City of Alameda and Wisk Aero UNDER NEGOTIATION: Price and Terms of Lease  Not available Not available
2024-3720 1 Closed Session ItemJanuary 2, 2024 Closed Session Announcement  Not available Not available
2024-3685 15-AConsent Calendar ItemMinutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings Held on December 5, 2023. (City Clerk)  Not available Not available
2024-3692 15-BConsent Calendar ItemBills for Ratification. (Finance)  Not available Not available
2024-3658 15-CConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Authorize Updates to the Existing Alameda Police Department Policy Manual to Conform to Best Practices and to Ratify Policies that Have Been Updated Pursuant to Legal Updates, Significant Liability Issues, and Imminent Safety. (Police 10031100)  Not available Not available
2024-3681 15-DConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Accept the Annual Automated License Plate Readers Data Report from the Alameda Police Department. (Police 10031130)  Not available Not available
2024-3657 15-EConsent Calendar ItemRecommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Accept the Work of G & G Builders, Inc. for the Alameda Police Department’s Reception Area and Ramp Renovation Project, No. P.W. 11-19-53. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities), 15302 (Replacement or Reconstruction), and 15303 (New Construction of Small Structures). (Public Works 60341591)  Not available Not available
2024-3656 15-FConsent Calendar ItemAdoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Master Agreement for State-Funded Projects, the Program Supplemental Agreement with the California Department of Transportation to Construct the Highway Safety Improvement Program Pedestrian Safety Project for $249,076 in State Grant Funds, and Any Related Agreements and Amendments Thereto; and Amending the Capital Budget in Fiscal Year 2023-24 by Reducing Revenue and Expenditure Appropriations in Capital Improvement Project C62000 by $175,000; and Increasing Revenue and Expenditure Appropriations for Capital Improvement Project C13000 by $175,000. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). (Public Works 31041520)  Not available Not available
2024-3686 15-GConsent Calendar ItemFinal Passage of Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a 12-Month License with Little Opera House, Inc. for the Use of 2.13 Acres of Property on Pan Am Way at Alameda Point for Temporary Performing Arts and Special Events. [Requires four affirmative votes] The streamlining provision of Public Resources Section 21083.3 and Section 15183 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines apply and no further environmental review is required. (Base Reuse 29061810)  Not available Not available
2024-3452 110-ACouncil ReferralConsider Directing Staff to Draft an Ordinance Amending the Sunshine Ordinance to Move to a Hearing Officer Model to Hear Sunshine Ordinance Complaints. (Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft and Councilmember Jensen) [Not heard on October 17, November 7, 21, December 5, 19, 2023 or January 2, 2024]  Not available Not available
2024-3516 110-BCouncil ReferralConsider Directing Staff to Draft an Ordinance Prohibiting Animal Testing and Experimentation on Property Owned or Controlled by the City of Alameda. (Councilmembers Herrera Spencer and Vella) [Not heard on November 7, 21, December 5, 19, 2023 or January 2, 2024]  Not available Not available
2024-3645 110-CCouncil ReferralConsider Providing Direction to Staff to Allow Remote Public Participation under Oral Communications, Non-Agenda (Public Comment) and Clarify who has Authority to Make Such Decisions in the Future. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer) [Not heard on December 19, 2023 or January 2, 2024]  Not available Not available
2024-3687 110-DCouncil ReferralConsider Authorizing the Mayor to Send a Letter on Behalf of Council to Federal Officials regarding Gaza Ceasefire. (Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft)  Not available Not available