Meeting Name: Transportation Commission Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 5/25/2022 6:30 PM  
Meeting location: Zoom
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 codified at Government Code Section 54953, Transportation Commissioners can attend the meeting via teleconference. The City allows public participation via Zoom.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
2022-2051 13Staff CommunicationsStaff Communications (A-D)  Not available Not available
2022-2052 15AConsent Calendar ItemApprove Meeting Minutes – March 23, 2022 (Action Item)  Not available Not available
2022-2053 15BConsent Calendar ItemAccept Status Report on Transportation (Action Item)  Not available Not available
2022-2054 15CConsent Calendar ItemAccept Updated Equity Priority Analysis Approach (Action Item)  Not available Not available
2022-2055 16ARegular Agenda ItemRecommend City Council Approval of the Grand Street Improvement Project Concept (Robert Vance, City Engineer and NCE/Fehr & Peers staff) (Action Item)  Not available Not available
2022-2056 16BRegular Agenda ItemDiscuss the Citywide Roundabout Analysis (Gail Payne, Senior Transportation Coordinator and Mike Alston, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.) (Discussion Item)  Not available Not available
2022-2057 16CRegular Agenda ItemDiscuss the Existing Conditions and Initial Findings of the Lincoln Avenue/Marshall Way/Pacific Avenue Improvement Project (Information Item)   Not available Not available