Public Hearing to Consider Recommending Adoption of the Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan. CEQA Determination: This action is statutorily exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), the general rule that CEQA only applies to actions that have the potential to cause a significant impact on the environment
To: Honorable President and Members of the Planning Board
From: Danielle Mieler, Sustainability and Resilience Manager
The Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan (Plan) lays out the process for shifting natural gas use in existing buildings toward clean, energy efficient all-electric buildings in accordance with the City’s climate and equity goals. The Plan provides a phased approach that includes new policies and programs, financing options, expanded rebates, and community education and outreach. The Plan will align with other citywide efforts to create affordable, safe, healthy and resilient housing and prepare the City to leverage grants and funds as they become available.
The Climate Action and Resiliency Plan (CARP) set goals to reduce emissions by 50% below 2005 levels and achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible. The Climate Emergency Declaration set the ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) laid a strong foundation for building decarbonization by providing 100% clean, carbon free electricity since 2020. Currently, 70% of Alameda’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from transportation, 27% from natural gas use in buildings, and 3% from other sources such as waste, water, and wastewater. To reach the City’s carbon neutrality goal, net zero emission buildings that do not burn natural gas are an essential strategy and the focus of this plan. With 100% clean electric energy provided by AMP, electrifying all existing buildings would eliminate 27% of GHG emissions associated with natural gas use in buildings. The City Council has already taken initial steps towards reducing building emissions by requiring all new development to be all-electric in 2021.
The 2021 CARP Annual Report, accepted by Council at its March 5, 2022 meeting, identified developing an equitable existing buildings energy efficiency and electrification roadmap as one of the priorities for CARP implementation in 2022. The Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan (Plan), as the roadmap is called, provides a phased approach that includes recommended policies and programs, financing options, and community education and outreach to decarbonize existing buildings.
The Plan recommends a process for equitably implementing the needed programs, policies, financing and engagement by 2030 to decarbonize existing buildings by shifting from natural gas use towards energy efficient, all-electric buildings. The timeline is divided into three phases: Immediate (2022-2023), Near Term (2024-2025), and Long Term (2026-2030). Each phase includes recommended actions or projects for each of the four plan elements: Education & Outreach, Policies & Programs, Financing & Funding, and Alameda Municipal Power.
The Plan first describes building decarbonization and the equity principles that ground the Plan. Then the Plan goes into detail about the phases and elements. Finally, the Plan discusses the electrification housing nexus and documents the community engagement process taken to develop the Plan.
The success of the Plan relies heavily on community involvement and support. To develop the Plan, staff used multiple forms of community engagement to provide education, and incorporate community knowledge and feedback, including the following:
• Developed electrification education materials, including a trilingual one page electrification information sheet and City website at alamedaca.gov/BuildingElectrification </..//..//atai/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Word/trilingual one pager information sheet, created City website>
• Held Electrification Workshops Series consisting of seven workshops from March to May 2022 covering:
o Electrification 101 (Hybrid; 2 workshops)
o Roadmap Brainstorm for residential and commercial renters, residential and commercial property managers and owners, and single-family homeowners (Virtual; 3 workshops)
o Draft Roadmap & Ordinance Review (In-person and virtual; 2 workshops)
• Tabled at Alameda Farmers Market and Old Oakland Farmers Market with English, Spanish, and Chinese electrification information sheets.
• Created interactive electrification poster available in Main Library with take home flyers from April 6-15, 2022.
• Conducted electrification community survey from March 3 - May 6, 2022 on alamedaca.gov/BuildingElectrification <https://www.alamedaca.gov/CITYWIDE-PROJECTS/Climate-Action-and-Environmental-Sustainability-in-Alameda/Building-Electrification/Sustainable-Home-Building-Electrification> in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Received 86 responses.
• Included information about Decarbonization Plan and electrification information in emails to “Environment, Sustainability and Climate Action” listserv and City’s social media.
• Plan available for public review from July 13th to August 5th.
This is only the initial stage of the community engagement process. Staff anticipates continuous community education and outreach as outlined in the Plan.
The Plan is also being considered by the Public Utilities Board on September 19th and by the City Council in October. Following the adoption of the Plan by City Council, staff plans to bring an ordinance that re-adopts the all-electric new buildings reach code passed in 2021 for the 2023 building code cycle. In addition, staff will also recommend a new ordinance that will focus on replacing certain gas appliances with electric ones in existing buildings at time of permit for certain projects, as outlined in this plan. Public engagement for both ordinances will occur in Fall 2022.
Adoption of the Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan is statutorily exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), the general rule that CEQA only applies to actions that have the potential to cause a significant impact on the environment.
Adoption of the Plan will have positive climate benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and indoor air pollution and help achieve key CARP implementation goals.
That the Planning Board hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt the Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan.
Respectfully submitted,
Danielle Mieler, Sustainability and Resilience Manager
Reviewed By:
Allen Tai, City Planner
1. Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan
2. Draft Resolution
3. Presentation