File #: 2022-2615   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 12/6/2022
Title: Adoption of Resolution to Amend the Salary Schedule, Adding the Classification of Independent Police Auditor, Approving Workforce Changes in the City Attorney's Office to Add One New Position and Authorize the City Attorney to Fill the New Position; and Adoption of Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2022-23 General Fund Operating Budget to Transfer $167,000 from Non-Departmental to the Police Auditor Division in the City Attorney's Office. (City Attorney 10023044)
Attachments: 1. Resolution - Workforce, 2. Resolution - Budget


Adoption of Resolution to Amend the Salary Schedule, Adding the Classification of Independent Police Auditor, Approving Workforce Changes in the City Attorney’s Office to Add One New Position and Authorize the City Attorney to Fill the New Position; and

Adoption of Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2022-23 General Fund Operating Budget to Transfer $167,000 from Non-Departmental to the Police Auditor Division in the City Attorney’s Office. (City Attorney 10023044)




To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council




On November 1, 2022, City Council directed staff to start a recruitment for Police Auditor. Staff are currently in the process of developing a recruitment brochure and recruitment materials and are now requesting to allocate a new position and to move the funding for this position from the non-departmental budget to the City Attorney’s Office.




On November 1, 2022 staff presented options for police accountability to City Council. At the conclusion of this presentation City Council directed staff to start a recruitment for Police Auditor. 




Staff are recommending the addition of one Police Auditor. This position will be an at-will and exempt position and would be established through an employment agreement to be executed by the employee and the City Attorney on behalf of the City of Alameda (City).  The salary range for this position is proposed to be established at the same level as the Assistant City Attorney I at the 36 hour per week level.  Consistent with the responsibilities and at-will nature of the position, the position would receive the same benefits as other Executive Management Employees (EXME).


Weekly Hours   (5 Day Work Week)


Annual Salary



Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5


Police Auditor









Funding of $300,000 for a Police Auditor was initially allocated in the General Fund Non-Departmental budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23.


Staff are requesting authority to transfer a total of $167,000 in FY 2022-23 from the General Fund - Non-Departmental budget to the new General Fund - Police Auditor Division in the City Attorney’s Office. Salary and benefits for the new position are estimated to total $286,000 annually. Assuming a start date of April 2023, staff propose transferring 25% of the annual position cost, or $72,000, for the last three months of the fiscal year to a new Police Auditor Division under the City Attorney’s Office in the General Fund (ORG 10023044). The position will also have one-time setup costs estimated at $25,000 for office configuration, and ongoing annual costs of $3,500 for technology, $2,000 for office supplies, $4,500 for professional development, and $60,000 for professional services.


Ongoing costs of $286,000 for personnel and $70,000 for services and supplies, or approximately $356,000 annually, will be included in future budgets subject to City Council appropriations approval.




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code.




This activity is not a project and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15378(b)(2), (4) & (5) of the CEQA guidelines, because it involves the governmental fiscal and organizational activities which does not involve any activity which could result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment.




There are no identifiable climate impacts or climate action opportunities associated with the subject of this report.




Adopt a resolution to amend the salary schedule, adding the classification of Independent Police Auditor, approving workforce changes in the City Attorney’s office to add one new position and authorize the City Attorney to fill the new position; and

Adopt a resolution to amend the fiscal year 2022-23 General Fund Operating Budget to transfer $167,000 from Non-Departmental to the Police Auditor Division in the City Attorney’s Office


Respectfully submitted,

Yibin Shen, City Attorney

Jessica Romeo, Human Resources Director


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret L. O’Brien, Finance Director


cc:                     Erin Smith, City Manager