Introduction of Ordinance Amending Alameda Municipal Code Chapter XIX, Section 19-4 (Underground Utility Districts) to Approve the Redesigned Underground Utility District Policy. (Alameda Municipal Power)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: John A. Russo, City Manager
Re: Introduction of Ordinance Amending Alameda Municipal Code Chapter XIX, Section 19-4 (Underground Utility Districts) to Approve the Redesigned Underground Utility District Policy
The City of Alameda established Ordinance No. 2212, on September 18, 1984, creating regulations and procedures for removing overhead utility facilities and installing underground facilities by means of underground utility districts. An undergrounding Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), headed by Public Works and including a member from each overhead utility, was established to determine the implications of underground conversion and identify underground districts in Alameda.
The City Council, on November 5, 1985, adopted Resolution 10774 establishing the first utility underground district (UUD). The project parameters became the template for ensuing districts. Those parameters consisted of utilities placing overhead main lines and service lines, including electricity, telephone, cable television, and other telecommunications underground in a joint trench. Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) was directed to allocate 2% of revenues each year for its underground fund.
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) at its May 21, 2012 meeting approved discontinuing work on Phase 6 of the Underground Utility District Program and tasked staff with redesigning the undergrounding process due to concerns voiced by citizens and PUB members. The City Council accepted the PUB's recommendation on July 7, 2012 and directed staff to develop an Underground Utility District (UUD) Master Plan (Exhibit 2) that includes the following inter-connected elements:
1. Prioritization
a. Rev...
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