Adoption of Resolution Approving a Final Map and Authorizing the City Manager, or Designee, to Execute Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 8534, Broadway and Santa Clara Avenue. Approval of the Final Map and the SIA are categorically exempt from review under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (infill development projects) because 1) the project is consistent with the applicable General Plan designations and policies and applicable zoning designations and regulations; 2) the project occurs within City limits on a site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; 3) the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; 4) project approval would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and 5) the project site is adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Additionally, approval of the Final Map is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(1) (ministerial projects) and CEQA Guidelines section 15268 (ministerial projects). (Public Works 31041520)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
On January 19, 2021, the City Council approved with conditions, Tentative Map 8534 per City of Alameda (City) Resolution No 15737. The Final Map provides for 12 total parcels on 1.29 acres located at 2607-2619 Santa Clara Avenue and 1514-1518 Broadway (Exhibit 1). The development consists of 22 existing residential units on 11 parcels (five (5) single-family dwellings, three (3) duplex buildings, one (1) triplex building, and two (2) four-plex buildings) and eight (8) proposed townhome units on 1 parcel for development by Cosso Cabana LLC, Momo's Rook LLC, Dreamers and Cultivators LLC, Z-Co LLC, and Drumlin Alameda LLC, for a total of 30 residential units. Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution approving...
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