Receive a Report from the Public Utilities Board on Alameda Municipal Power's (AMP's) Five-Year Strategic Plan, Capital Improvements and Financial Status. (AMP)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Elizabeth D. Warmerdam, Interim City Manager
Date: July 16, 2015
Re: Receive a Report from the Public Utilities Board on Alameda Municipal Power's Five-Year Strategic Plan, Capital Improvements and Financial Status
This is an information only report. No action by the City Council is required. The purpose of this report is to inform the City Council, through Exhibits 1 and 2, of the process and results of the formalization of the Public Utilities Board's (Board) direction to Alameda Municipal Power's (AMP) staff in the implementation of the Strategic Plan (Plan) recommendations (approved by the Board on April 20, 2015), which covers all aspects of AMP's operations. In addition, Exhibit 3 describes the current financial payments from AMP to the City's General Fund. Also, specific issues are outlined associated with distributed generation and are highlighted in "Current Issues" (Exhibit 2).
The Board has determined that AMP should focus on strengthening various aspects of its operations generally on a year-to-year and prioritized basis. A foundation has been created utilizing various strategies and initiatives. This positions the Utility for the future by preparing for technology advances, strengthening its workforce and assuring customer satisfaction through reliability, financial stability and efficient energy usage. These strategies and initiatives have been analyzed, structured and prioritized to create a five-year dimensional and fiscally prudent Plan.
In this regard, AMP management retained the services of the Lewis Group in September 2014 for the purpose of developing this comprehensive Plan.
The Design Team (General Manager and four Assistant General Managers) ...
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