Alameda Active Transportation Plan Draft Recommendations
Transportation Commission
July 22, 2020
Item # 6C
Alameda Active Transportation Plan Draft Recommendations
Executive Summary
Last year, the City embarked on updating its decade-old Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans as one combined Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The goal of the project, launched in August 2019, is to bring the City's plans into alignment with current best practices and the City's existing infrastructure and development, and to create a roadmap for a safer, more walkable and bikeable city.
Staff and the consultant last provided a full update to the Transportation Commission in January 2020, when the draft Vision and Goals were presented for input. While there have been some delays due to the coronavirus pandemic, staff has continued to move the project forward significantly. On July 15, staff released draft recommendations for pedestrian infrastructure, the bikeway network, concept plans for three major streets, and active transportation policies and programs. Staff are also asking for input on the draft vision and goals, and prioritization criteria. Through online surveys and virtual meetings, staff will solicit input from the public on the recommendations through August 16. After this input is considered and incorporated, staff and the consultant team will use prioritization criteria to develop an implementation plan. The full draft Plan will then be assembled and presented to the community for input in early 2021, with Council adoption expected in Spring 2021.
Since last winter, staff and the consultant team have studied the existing conditions for walking and biking in Alameda, and reached out to the community for their ideas, in order to develop the draft recommendations. The consultant team conducted a review of the existing conditions, a level of stress analysis for both walking and biking, and evaluated the potential for biking and walking trip...
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