File #: 2020-7967   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 5/19/2020
Title: Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a $310,000 Agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to Operate a Day Center and Safe Parking Program for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Funded through the Homeless Emergency Aid Program (Community Development 267)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - On Site Code of Conduct and Expectations, 2. Exhibit 2 - Request for Proposals



Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a $310,000 Agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to Operate a Day Center and Safe Parking Program for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Funded through the Homeless Emergency Aid Program (Community Development 267)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council




Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a $310,000 agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to operate a Day Center and Safe Parking Program to support individuals experiencing homelessness in Alameda.  Located at Alameda Point, the Day Center and Safe Parking Programs are funded through the State Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP).  Both of these initiatives were approved by Council on July 16, 2019.




Following notification that it would receive $765,624 in State HEAP funds, on January 15, 2019, the City Council directed staff to work with the Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) to finalize the HEAP allocation plan and oversee implementation of projects.  SSHRB established the HEAP Ad Hoc Committee for this purpose at its March 28, 2019 meeting.  After a series of planning meetings that included investigation of best practices in other communities, the HEAP Ad Hoc Committee developed a final list of projects and a spending plan.


On July 16, 2019, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a two-year contract with the County of Alameda and appropriated $765,624 to implement the City of Alameda’s (City) HEAP plan.  Over the last eight months, staff has implemented a number of the initiatives called for in the HEAP plan including funding the 2019-20 winter warming shelter, contracting with St. Vincent de Paul for an emergency assistance program, developing a centralized system for handling calls for services and other assistance related to homelessness through 2-1-1, and contracting with Building Futures with Women and Children to provide additional case management services. 


The Safe Parking Program and Day Center were two of the projects developed by the HEAP Ad Hoc Committee and selected to receive HEAP grant funds. 




One of the first tasks undertaken by staff and the City’s Homeless Outreach Team (CARES) was to identify a location for the Safe Parking and Day Center Programs.  Alameda Point was selected as the best location for its availability of space for the Safe Parking with an adjacent building at 431 Stardust that could be used with minimal repairs for the Day Center.  The building repairs, which are currently underway and will be completed in the next 30 days, were also funded by the HEAP grant. 


The goal of the Safe Parking Program is to provide individuals experiencing homelessness, who are living in their cars and vans, a place to legally park their vehicles in a safe, secure, sanitary and welcoming environment. Overnight parking hours for the Safe Parking Program lot are Monday through Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.  Individuals wishing to park their car or van in the Safe Parking Program lot will be required to adhere to a code of conduct. The On-Site Code of Conduct and Expectations - Safe Parking Program Agreement, to be signed by participating individuals, is attached as Exhibit 1.


The goal of the Day Center is to provide a safe, sanitary, secure and welcoming place for homeless individuals to relax, get information, connect to services, and be supported by staff and peers. The Day Center may offer meals, showers, laundry, computers, phones charging, Wi-Fi, and access to health care and social services. It is anticipated that the Day Center will be open Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 


On April 22, 2020, a Request for Proposals (Exhibit 2) was issued to identify a service provider to operate the Day Center, Safe Parking Program, or both.  Over 75 non-profit organizations with experience providing social services and health and mental health services to unsheltered individuals received the RFP.  On April 29, a mandatory site visit was held at the location of the Safe Parking and Day Center, with 11 individuals present representing eight potential applicant organizations.  Proposals were due on May 6, 2020. 

Respondents may apply to operate the Day Center, Safe Parking, or both programs.  Preference was given to applicants that proposed to operate both the Day Center and the Safe Parking Program. Because of the Day Center’s location at Alameda Point, preference was also given to applicants that had an outreach plan to help clients access the program from other locations. 

The City received proposals from three organizations, including two proposals to operate both the Safe Parking and Day Center Programs, and one proposal to operate the Safe Parking Program only.  A Review Committee scored the applications and conducted interviews with the proposers on May 11. The Review Committee evaluated the proposals received based upon the materials submitted in each proposal according to the following criteria:

1.                     Demonstrated ability, based on the organization’s experience, to provide the services described in the RFP.


2.                     Prior experience and ability to work with City staff, local community groups and other stakeholders.


Creative Build, Inc., a Bay Area non-profit organization, responded to the RFP as the primary applicant, in partnership with Village of Love as its subcontractor.   Creative Build, Inc. will be responsible for the fiscal oversight, reporting, and evaluation, while Village of Love will provide direct services to clients and day-to-day operation of the Day Center and Safe Parking. 

Based on the selection process, staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a $310,000 agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to run the Safe Parking and Day Center Programs. 



                     Approve staff’s recommendation to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to implement the Day Center and Safe Parking programs of Alameda.


                     Direct staff to select another provider based on the RFP process.


                     Direct staff to re-issue the RFP to secure a different provider.


                     Decline to move forward with the Safe Parking and Day Center programs at this time.




There is no impact on the General Fund to establishing Safe Parking and Day Center Programs.  HEAP funds in the amount of $150,000 for the Day Center and $160,000 for the Safe Parking have been budgeted to fund the programs.




This action is consistent with the Charter and Ordinance authority of the Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) “to improve social services in the community” (Alameda Municipal Code Section 2-11.5) and the Report on Homelessness Policies and Programs.  The recommendation will also support SSHRB’s 2020 Workplan goal of implementing the city’s homeless programs and expending and contractually obligating at least 50% of HEAP funds by June 30, 2020.   




This action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301, which applies to minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features involving negligible or no expansion of use.  This action to allow the use of existing parking lots for temporary overnight safe parking would not constitute any significant expansion of use. On a separate and independent basis, this action is also exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15601(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity (parking overnight in existing parking lots as well as the operation of a day center in an existing building) will have a significant effect on the environment.  The safe parking use will be required to implement operational requirements to avoid impacts, as outlined in the On-Site Code of Conduct and Expectations - Safe Parking Program Agreement.



The Social Vulnerability Assessment section of the Climate Action and Resiliency Plan states: 

“adaptation strategies should consider how [the homeless] will receive emergency communications and how they will be sheltered.  Proper, safe housing for all is an adaptation and resilience strategy.  Planning strategies should always consider these vulnerable populations in adaptation efforts.”


The HEAP funding will help some of the most vulnerable in our community with the consequences of climate change.  The Day Center and Safe Parking Programs will provide safe, warm, and welcoming places to shelter those who are unhoused in Alameda while connecting them to health, mental health, and social service supports. 




Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a $310,000 agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to operate a Day Center and Safe Parking Program for individuals experiencing homelessness funded through the Homeless Emergency Aid Program.




The City Manager recommends approval of an agreement of $310,000 with Creative Build, Inc.  I appreciate all of the effort of Community Development Staff and Debbie Potter to get this before the City Council during this time with all of the competing demands hitting her department.


Respectfully Submitted,

Debbie Potter, Community Development Director



Ana Bagtas, Community Development Analyst


Financial impact section reviewed,

By: Nancy Bronstein, Interim Finance Director



1.                     On Site Code of Conduct and Expectations - Safe Parking Program Agreement

2.                     Request for Proposals


cc:  Eric Levitt, City Manager