Recommendation Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Letter of Support for the Oakland Alameda Access Project (OAAP). (Planning, Building and Transportation 4227287)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
The Oakland Alameda Access Project (OAAP or project), formerly called the I-880/Broadway-Jackson Interchange Improvements Project, proposes to improve connectivity between I-880, I-980 and the cities of Alameda and Oakland. It is being led by the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) and Caltrans. After almost 30 years of planning and three failed attempts to reach consensus, a project design, with a full cost of $120 million, has been selected and a Draft Environmental Document (DED) was released on September 29 for public comment.
This is an opportune time for the City of Alameda (City), after over 20 years of working collaboratively on this project with Alameda CTC, Oakland and Caltrans, to state its support for this project, before the project moves into the final design phase. Staff prepared the attached draft letter (Exhibit 1) to Alameda CTC and Caltrans, stating that the City's support for the project be contingent on three conditions being met: (1) City of Oakland support for the project; (2) funding allocated to the next two major planning phases of a bicycle/pedestrian bridge across the estuary, and that Alameda CTC lead the project through these phases; and (3) the next phase of design work include enhancements to transit access to and from the Webster and Posey Tubes both in Oakland and Alameda, to move towards creating true multi-modal access.
Staff are performing a technical review of the DED, a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (DEIR/EA), and are in communication with other stakeholders about their reviews, including AC Transit. Staff will submit its comments by the November 30 comment period deadline and can add additional comments from the City Council, if it w...
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