Recommendation to Endorse the Design Concept for the Lincoln Avenue/Marshall Way/Pacific Avenue Corridor Improvement Project; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Parametrix, Inc. in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $1,000,000, Including Contingencies, to Provide Additional Technical Services Related to the Lincoln Avenue/Marshall Way/Pacific Avenue Corridor Improvement Project.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this project is categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) Existing Facilities (Minor alterations to existing facilities including bicycle facilities) and Section 15304(h) (Minor Alterations to Land and the creation of bicycle lanes on existing public rights of way). (Transportation 20962743)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
The City of Alameda (City) has identified the Lincoln Avenue/Marshall Way/Pacific Avenue (Lincoln/Marshall/Pacific) corridor between Alameda Point at Main Street/Central Avenue/Pacific Avenue and Broadway in the east end of town as a high priority for safety and mobility improvements. The Lincoln/Marshall/Pacific corridor is over three miles long, serves multiple destinations including schools, bus stops, commercial districts and parks, and is a Tier 1 high-injury corridor. The concept includes a road diet, a roundabout at Lincoln Avenue/Fifth Street/Marshall Way, flashing beacons, pedestrian/bicycle signals, modernized traffic signals, crosswalk improvements, school frontage improvements, stormwater gardens, street trees, disabled parking and loading zones, improved lighting and bus stop enhancements. The concept will likely be phased in over time as street sections are resurfaced and constructed with grant funding. Immediate action will occur on Lincoln Avenue at Walnut Street with the installation of flashing beacons and increased intersection visibility. Public on-street par...
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