Hold a Public Hearing to Consider Design Review Approval for Block 11, Block 8, and Phase 1 Waterfront Park at Alameda Point Site A
To: President and
Members of the Planning Board
From: Jennifer Ott, Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point
Andrew Thomas, Assistant Community Development Director
In June 2015, the City Council unanimously approved the Site A Development Plan for a 68-acre area within Alameda Point that extends generally from the Main Street entrance to Alameda Point to the Seaplane Lagoon and the eastern edge of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District (Historic District).
Since the City Council action on the Development Plan, the project proponent, Alameda Point Partners (APP) and its team of architects and design professionals, has been designing the buildings and site improvements for Block 11, Block 8 and the Phase 1 Waterfront Park. The work has been informed and directed by a Planning Board subcommittee and Planning Board study sessions on December 14, 2015 and January 11, 2016. The plans for Block 11 and the Waterfront Park were reviewed by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) on January 5, 2016, and the plans for the park were reviewed by the Recreation and Parks Commission on January 28, 2016. The Planning Board held another public hearing on February 22, 2016, to provide final comments on all three proposals. The HAB will hold a hearing on March 3, 2016, to consider the final Certificate of Approval for Block 11 and the Phase 1 Waterfront Park.
At this time, staff is pleased to be recommending Design Review approval for all three proposals. Since the February 22, 2016 public hearing:
* Block 11 and Shared Plaza (Exhibit 1) and recommended conditions of approval were revised to finalize the required storm water management plans ("C-3 provisions"), add landscape design plans for the interior elevated podium courtyard, provide window details, update the Sha...
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