File #: 2019-7284   
Type: New Business
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 9/25/2019
Title: Update on Active Transportation Plan
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Alameda ATP Scope of Work, 2. Exhibit 2 - Alameda ATP Schedule, 3. Exhibit 3 - Alameda ATP Equity Framework, 4. Exhibit 4 - Public Engagement Plan, 5. Staff Presentation

Update on Active Transportation Plan



The City of Alameda's Bicycle Master Plan (2010) and Pedestrian Plan (2009), have served the City well over the years, as evidenced by the many completed projects and programs and the major complete street capital projects now underway. After ten years, however, both plans are in need of updating. Over the past decade, pedestrian and bicycle best planning and implementation practices have evolved. Protected bikeways are becoming a standard. Vision Zero policies and implementation tools are improving methods and plans for network safety. Equity is now an essential goal of all new plans. As well, the community of Alameda has changed, and many new City plans and policies have been adopted in the last ten years that impact pedestrian and bicycle planning.

Earlier in 2019, the City embarked on updating its Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans, as one combined Active Transportation Plan (ATP). Staff wrote a Request for Proposals (RFP) to hire a consultant to develop the ATP. The draft scope of work for the RFP was brought to the Transportation Commission for input at their March meeting. The consultant selection panel, which included a representative of the Transportation Commission, recommended Toole Design Group as the top firm, and Council awarded a contract totaling $330,000 in July. The final consultant contract scope of work, which also includes a Vision Zero Action Plan, is attached (Exhibit 1).


The City and consultant's work on the ATP kicked-off in August 2019. This initial "Project Launch" period has so far included developing the project schedule; gathering existing conditions and citywide data; preparing for a community survey which will assess the community's interests in, and concerns regarding, walking and biking; and creating a draft Equity Framework and a draft Public Engagement Plan.

As shown in Exhibit 2, the overall schedule for the ATP is to present the draft Plan to the Trans...

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